Ifyou’relookingfortheperfectsolutionforefficientandsecureFXconversionsandinternationalpayments,thenlooknofurther.TheABNAMROmulti-currencyaccount,offeringcompetitivetransactionfeesandnofixedcharges,isexactlywhatyouneed. ABNAMROgivesyoufullcontrolofyourtransactionsandpayments,aswellassupportfromanexperiencedteam.
Organize all your international transactions hassle-free through one multi-currency account. Just one account number for all your business partners. Maximum convenience.
Benefit from our competitive fees. Our fee structure is transparent: the cost of each transaction is immediately displayed.
Manage all your trades and payments independently, without advice. If you need support, our service desk is available 12 hours a day.
Register your business at ABN AMRO Franx. Application of your currency account is free of charge and does not oblige you to anything. You pay per transaction.
ABN AMRO Franx offers a reliable combination of banking and digital expertise. We enable businesses to trade and pay in foreign currencies. Meet our specialists
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us. We are here for you from 8am to 5:30pm, five days a week. Check our contact page also for frequently asked questions about Franx.